Parental Involvement and Its Influence to Academic Performance Among Junior High School Students during the Pandemic

Julius M. Virtudazo
Julius M. Virtudazo

Published Date: 11-Feb, 2023

Keywords: Parental’ Involvement, Academic Performance, Educational Crisis

Parental involvement has been recognized in the literature as an influential factor to students? academic performance. However, few studies have been published regarding the involvement of parents during the Covid-19 pandemic where educational crisis was so evident. Hence, this study aims to investigate the influence of parents? involvement towards the students? scholastic performance during health crisis. A total of 80 students of Malapong National High School from Grade 7 to grade 10 were surveyed using a standardized questionnaire. Results showed that moral support from parents is highly evident which contributed to the development of students? learning and studies. Financial and parent-teacher collaborations were also evident. The positive influence of parental involvement is further manifested in the academic performance of the students in terms of grades. Majority or 51% recorded very satisfactory and 18% with outstanding level of academic performance. The significant findings presented supplement to the existing body of knowledge regarding the essential role of parents towards the betterment of students? academic performance. It is also recommended that schools may invest on efforts that will promote high involvement among parents and other stakeholders.


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Journal: Research Journal of Education and Advanced Literature
ISSN(Online): 2945-395X
Publisher: Embar Publishers
Frequency: Bi-Monthly
Chief Editor: Dr Biswashwari Sahu
Language: English
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