Study on Amlodipine and Its Analytical Methods

Shubham Khash, Dr. Jitendra Kumar Malik and Surendra Pratap Singh
Shubham Khash

Published Date: 25-Feb, 2023

Keywords: Amlodipine, Formulation, Calcium channel blocker, Pharmacokinetics

Amlodipine (Norvasc) reduces hypertension and atherosclerosis. Orally. Swelling, fatigue, stomachache, and nausea are symptoms. Heart attacks and low blood pressure may kill. Unknown pregnancy and nursing safety Liver disease and ageing diminish the dose. Amlodipine dilates arteries. extended-release dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker. In 1982, amlodipine was patented. It is classified as "essential medicine" by the WHO.This drug is generic. It will have approximately 69 million prescriptions in 2020. Amlodipine is widely used and investigated. These combination medications are not pharmacopoeia-analyzed. Analysts struggle to meet medication criteria while optimising analytical techniques. Multiple spectroscopic, chromatographic, and capillary electrophoresis studies have evaluated amlodipine and its formulation utilising UV, DF, electrochemical, and mass spectrometric (MS) detectors. This paper collects as many amlodipine analysis approaches as possible so researchers may pick the most relevant data for their methodology. International drug analysis procedures are uncommon. Researchers and companies will improve amlodipine and formulation analysis procedures. Amlodipine requires lab or industrial testing.


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Journal: Research Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy
ISSN(Online): 2945-431X
Publisher: Embar Publishers
Frequency: Bi-Monthly
Chief Editor: Dr Mohammad Jamali
Language: English
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