Dissolution af a Limited Liability Company: What is the Authority of The State Prosecutor?

Finna Wulandari, I GedeArtha
Finna Wulandari

Published Date: 19-Mar, 2023

Keywords: LimitedLiability Company, Prosecutor's Office, StateAttorney

As a legal entity with rights similar to those of a person, a limited liability company (PT) is also obligated to operate in accordance with the rules and regulations that have been established. If these laws are broken, the offending PT will naturally accept the resulting repercussions, which might range from the imposition of criminal fines to the imposition of a "death sentence" in the form of the dissolution of the PT. The Prosecutor's Office is the state entity with the power to request the dissolution of a PT, and historically, the Prosecutor's Office, as represented by the State Attorney (JPN) through the Civil and State Administration Division, has used this power on multiple occasions. The Prosecutor's Office only dissolved less than 10 (ten) PTs during the decades that this ability was granted. In order to raise the following issues: 1. What legal foundation does the State Attorney's proposal to dissolve a Limited Liability Corporation have? 2. What challenges does the State Attorney face when requesting the dissolution of a Limited Liability Company? This issue will be investigated using the Empirical Juridical method of legal study, which is research that examines how normative law is really applied or implemented in practise. legal analysis of any particular legal events that take place in society and the adoption or application of normative legal provisions. . The author draws the following conclusions from the study's findings: 1. The State Attorney's authority to propose the dissolution of a Limited Liability Company, as specified in Article 146 paragraph (1) letter an of the PT Law, is based on the grounds that the Company violates laws and regulations and/or the public interest, 2. The JPN encounters a number of challenges when attempting to exercise its authority to submit a request for the dissolution of a Limited Liability Company. These challenges are primarily brought on by the lack of additional regulations that would specifically govern the Prosecutor's Office's PT dissolution procedures, as well as the JPN's inability to optimise its functionalization in doing so.


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Journal: Research Journal of Education and Advanced Literature
ISSN(Online): 2945-395X
Publisher: Embar Publishers
Frequency: Bi-Monthly
Chief Editor: Dr Biswashwari Sahu
Language: English
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