Growing Feelings Of National Pride In Students Through The Restoration Of Spiritual Historical Heritage In History Lessons

Yaxiyayev Joldasbay
Yaxiyayev Joldasbay

Published Date: 12-Mar, 2023

Keywords: National pride, history lessons, national history, teaching methods, independent work, search, comparison, comparison, history of ancestors, cultural heritage.

The article deals with the development of students' sense of national pride through history lessons in the general education system, encouraging them to independently search, search and analyze data, teaching students such knowledge and skills as how to work with data, how and where to search for data, how to compare, on what to base the comparison.


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Journal: Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN(Online): 2945-3968
Publisher: Embar Publishers
Frequency: Bi-Monthly
Chief Editor: Dr. Manoranjan Tripathy
Language: English
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