Exploring Indigenous Perspective on Traits That Let Humans Thrive: An Indian Model for Developing Resilience as a Tool for Optimal Human Life

Prerna jyoti, Dr. Manoranjan Tripathy, Shradha Suman, Dr. Piyush Trivedi
Prerna jyoti

Published Date: 03-Jun, 2023

Keywords: Resilience, Indigenous techniques, Bhagavad geeta, Patanajali Yogsutra, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Panchklesh, Ashtanga Yoga, Yama Niyama, Chitta Prasadanam, Pratipaksha Bhavana.

Being bombarded with difficulties and challenging situations is no new to any individual?s life, but what makes human capable of thriving throughout and living a calm and satiated life despite all challenges is the ability called asresilience. It becomes important to study this construct as challenges are in everybody?s life, and in this view how effectively we deal with them and come out of them stronger could be the biggest determinant of success and well being in life. This study will discover the concept of resilience from indigenous perspective, and suggest indigenous techniques to develop resilience as a tool for optimal human life. Modern researchers have started to explore various correlates of mental health and well being in texts such as Bhagvad geeta, Patanajli yogdarshan,Ramcharitmanas,Bhagavadgeeta and other works that provide profound knowledge and solutions to modern issues in hidden format. Texts such as patanjali yogsutra mention 4 attitudes (Chitta Prasadnam) to build emotional and psychological aspect of resilience in addition to that it talks about the concept of Pratipaksha bhavna, Panchklesh,Sanskaras, Yama,Niyama; of Ashtanga yoga and few yoga poses and activites to boost resilience. Bhagavad geeta stresses on the concepts of Gyan Yoga, Karma Yoga and Bhakti Yoga in order to develop a resilient attitude in life. Other than this, Ramayana and Mahabharata also show expression of resilient attitude in various characters. All these texts can be referred to look for the concepts of resilience and various methods through which it can be developed.


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Journal: Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN(Online): 2945-3968
Publisher: Embar Publishers
Frequency: Bi-Monthly
Chief Editor: Dr. Manoranjan Tripathy
Language: English
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