Impact of Environment on Mental Efficiency of Elderly: Spiritual Ambience, Normal Family Environment, Old Age Home Environment

Shradha Suman, Dr. Manoranjan Tripathy, Prerna Jyoti, Dr. Piyush Trivedi
Shradha Suman

Published Date: 03-Jun, 2023

Keywords: Ageing, Elderly, mental efficiency, spiritual ambience, normal family environment, old age home environment.

It is unavoidable truth that with time the person gets older and ageing is an integral part of our life span. The old age is closing period in the life span of an individual. It is the age which begins from the age of sixty extends and to the end of life. In traditional India elderly or parents are considered as gods. In Indian value system elderly hold, the authority to minimize any of the conflict and much more. Here, for their well-being the mental efficiency plays an important role which can be affected by the type of environment. A project work was conducted using ex-post facto, non-experimental research design, in which total number of samples were 60 (55-75 age group) selected using accidental sampling method, out of which 20 were from spiritual ambience and other 20 were from normal family environment and 20 from old age environment, to study theImpact of environment on mental efficiency of elderly: spiritual ambience, normal family environment, old age home environment. Using questionnaire, P.G.I. Battery for Assessment of Mental Efficiency in the Elderly (PGI-AMEE). In this project after application of statistical tools ANNOVA and T-test results were concluded that family environment is best and old age home is worst with relevance to mental efficiency of the elderly


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Journal: Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN(Online): 2945-3968
Publisher: Embar Publishers
Frequency: Bi-Monthly
Chief Editor: Dr. Manoranjan Tripathy
Language: English
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