Harnessing Artificial Intelligence in Sustainable Tourism in the Post-Pandemic World

Zijun Zhao
Dongying Jinqiao International Travel Agency Co., Ltd, No. 60-2 Shengxing Road, Dongying District, Dongying City, China.

DOI: doi.org/10.58924/rjebm.v4.iss1.p1

Published Date: 08-Feb, 2025

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Sustainable Tourism, Environmental Monitoring, Resource Optimization, Post-Pandemic Tourism, Carbon Footprint Reduction

The tourism industry around the world is constantly being challenged to adopt sustainability due to environmental imperatives and changed traveler preferences. This paper examines the transformative role that artificial intelligence can take in the post-pandemic era in the development of sustainable tourism. From applications in environmental monitoring, resource optimization, carbon footprint reduction, waste management, and developing personalized sustainable experiences, AI can be seen as a crucial enabler of tourism in tune with ecological goals. Besides, the paper mentions challenges such as costs, technical barriers, and ethical ones, keeping in mind balanced implementation approaches. In any case, AI, from the perspective of sustainable tourism, opens opportunities for the protection of ecosystems and experiences for visitors.


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Journal: Research Journal of Economics and Business Management
ISSN(Online): 2945-3941
Publisher: Embar Publishers
Frequency: Bi-Monthly
Chief Editor: Dr. Himanshu D. Tiwari
Language: English
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