Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences


Journal Name: Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Abbr. Title: Res J Hum Soc Sci
ISSN(Online): 2945-3968
Frequency: Bi-Monthly
Language: English
Chief Editor: Dr. Manoranjan Tripathy
Publisher: Embar Publishers
Country of Origin: Philippines

Current Issue

DOI Prefix


Latest Article

The Impact of Globalization on Indigenous Cultures: Preservation and Adaptation
Dr Mohammad Afsar Alam
Associate Professor, Dept. of Geography Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi

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The Integration of Islamic Values in Language Education: Strategies and Challenges.
Dr. Erwin Jhon
Assistant professor , Department Head, AB English Language Studies Program, Philippines

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The Role of Islamic Pedagogy in Modern Educational Practices: Bridging Tradition and Innovation.
Abdullaev Anvar Atamuratovich
Nukus state institute, Nukus, Uzbekistan

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The Role of Folklore in Shaping National Narratives in Post-Colonial Societies.
Ketevan Shoshiashvili
Caucasus International University

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Gender Roles and Expectations in Traditional vs. Modern Societies: A Cross-Cultural Analysis.
Nana Rinkiashvili
Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Law of Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University- Uzbakistan .

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Aim And Scope

Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences is an open access, Bimonthly, peer reviewed journal. The Journal publishes in all major disciplines and sub disciplines under- Education, Humanities, Social Sciences and Literature and share globally. “Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences” publishes in all the fields under Arts, Education, Humanities, Social Sciences and Literature like- Anthropology, Archaeology, Communication, Criminology, Education, Aesthetics, Epistemology, Ethics, Logic, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Education, Linguistics, International Relations, Political Science, Geography, History, Law, Psychology, Health, Economy, Trade, Arts, History, Literature, Religion, Marriage, Family Life, Philosophy, Sociology, Demography, Library Science, Journalism, Media Studies, Languages, Acrobatics, Busking, Geospatial Information Science, Comedy, Dance, Magic, Music, Opera, Film, Juggling, Marching Arts, Brass Bands, Theatre, Visual Arts, Drawing, Painting, Studies, Multicultural, Gender, Minority Studies, Women studies, Social Work, Social Welfare etc.

Call for paper

Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences ( RJHSS ) is inviting researchers, scholars, and experts to submit their original and unpublished papers for consideration in our upcoming issues. We welcome high-quality contributions that address innovative ideas, advancements, and challenges in electrical systems and related areas.
Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts electronically through our online submission system or submit the papers to editor.
Submission Guidelines:
Manuscripts should be prepared according to the RJHSS guidelines available on our website.
All submissions will undergo a rigorous peer-review process.
Manuscripts must be original, not previously published or under consideration elsewhere.
With kind regards
Editorial office , RJHSS


Dr Manoranjan Tripathy

Asst Professor, Dev Sanskriti Vishavidyalaya,Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India

Institutional email :

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Dr. John Erwin Prado Pedroso

Permanent Faculty, West Visayas State University, College of Education ,Philippines

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Dr Mohammad Afsar Alam

Assistant Professor,Fiji National University College of Humanities and Education School of Arts and Humanities, Fiji

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Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, NONESCOST Department Head, AB English Language Studies Program, NONESCOST, Philippines

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Dr. Onuma Suphattanakul

Faculty of Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Thailand

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Ketevan Shoshiashvili

Caucasus International University

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Nana Rinkiashvili

Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Law of Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University- Uzbakistan

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Abdullaev Anvar Atamuratovich

Nukus state institute, Nukus, Uzbekistan

Profile link:

Orazbaev Arislanbay Komekbayevich

Phd, Department of Social Sciences, Karakalpak state university, Nukus


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Romanova Sanobar Erejepovna

Docent, Nukus state pedagogicial institute, Nukus


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Djmolimbdtovs Miuagul Madiyarovna

Senior Lecturer, Nukus state pedagogicial institute, Nukus


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Authors Guidelines

1. Title/Heading

Suitable to the subject and not irrelevant to its detail work.

2. Author Affiliation

Respective Author Full Name, Department/Institution/University, City should be drafted with the article.

3. Corresponding Author

Full Name, Department/Institution/University, City, State, Country, Telephone, Fax and Email.

4. Abstract

Should be relevant, self?explanatory, comprehensive and brief in nature correlating to the total subject matter and give a notion as summary to the detailed script portrayed by the author while getting the experiment findings in exhaustive manner. It should also relate to significant outcome and further scope to continue in the field.

5. Keywords

In alphabetical order, separated with semicolons and exhibit catchy nature with respect to the subject.

6. Text includes the following
  • o Introduction: states the reason for the research: identifies and discusses findings of others, includes a review of the literature.
  • o Materials and Methods: describes the research population or study sample, describes the method used to gather information or data collection and describes the means used for measuring or measures.
  • o Results: summarizes the results and present findings using text, charts, graphs and tables, Legends for tables, charts, graphs and figures.
  • o Discussion: analyzes findings, explains the significance of the research, and suggests future projects
  • o References: an alphabetical listing of works that were cited and used to support the research
  • 7. Acknowledgement

    Includes affirmation of individuals, grant details, funds, and conflict of interest. Format preferably in Word? Processing i.e. Microsoft word (DOC, DOCX).

    Peer Review Policy

  • RJHSS follows a double-blind peer-review process to ensure unbiased and constructive evaluation.
  • Reviewers are selected based on their expertise, and conflicts of interest are carefully managed.
  • Special Issues

    RJHSS open Special issue system from August 2024 , to create collections of papers on specific topics, with the aim of building a community of authors and readers to discuss the latest research and develop new ideas and research directions. Special Issues are led by Guest Editors, who are experts on the topic and all Special Issue submissions follow RJHSS standard editorial process. The journal’s Editor-in-Chief and/or designated Editorial Board Member will oversee Guest Editor appointments and Special Issue proposals, checking their content for relevance and ensuring the suitability of the material for the journal. The papers published in a Special Issue will be collected and displayed on a dedicated page of the journal’s website. For any inquiries related to a Special Issue, please contact the Editorial Office.
    Contact mail :

    Submission Guidelines

    Manuscripts should be prepared according to the RJHSS author guidelines available on our website. All submissions will undergo a rigorous peer-review process. Manuscripts must be original, not previously published or under consideration elsewhere. Submission Process :

  • Author can submit the manuscript though our online submission system . (Include all supplementary materials, if applicable.)
  • Author can submit he paper to the journal official mail
  • Paper plagiarism must be below 20% .
  • Submission Guidelines

    RJHSS is committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical behavior and integrity in scholarly publishing. The following statement outlines the publication ethics and measures taken to address any potential malpractice:

    1. Authorship and Contributorship:
  • All authors must have made substantial contributions to the research and be accountable for the content of the manuscript.
  • Honorary authorship and ghostwriting are considered unethical.
  • 2. Plagiarism:
  • Plagiarism, in any form, is strictly prohibited.
  • Manuscripts undergo rigorous plagiarism checks, and instances of plagiarism will lead to rejection or retraction.
  • 3. Conflicts of Interest:
  • Authors, reviewers, and editors must disclose any conflicts of interest that may affect the integrity of the research or publication process.
  • Conflicts of interest will be managed transparently.
  • 4. Peer Review:
  • RJHSS follows a double-blind peer-review process to ensure unbiased and constructive evaluation.
  • Reviewers are selected based on their expertise, and conflicts of interest are carefully managed.
  • 5. Editorial Independence:
  • Editorial decisions are made based on the merit of the research and are free from commercial or personal influences.
  • The editorial team is committed to avoiding any form of favoritism.
  • 6. Data Integrity:
  • Authors are responsible for the accuracy and integrity of the data presented in their manuscripts.
  • Data fabrication, falsification, or selective reporting are considered serious ethical violations.
  • 7. Corrections and Retractions:
  • Corrections to published articles are issued promptly for errors discovered after publication.
  • Articles may be retracted if serious ethical violations or inaccuracies are identified.
  • 8. Copyright and Licensing:
  • Published articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License, allowing for broad dissemination.
  • 9. Editorial Board and Reviewer Conduct:
  • Editors and reviewers are expected to handle submissions objectively, maintaining confidentiality and avoiding conflicts of interest.
  • The editorial board is committed to providing timely and constructive feedback to authors.
  • 10. Complaints and Appeals:
  • RJHSS encourages the reporting of ethical concerns, and all complaints will be thoroughly investigated.
  • Authors and stakeholders have the right to appeal editorial decisions.
  • 11. Continuous Improvement:
  • RJHSS is dedicated to continuous improvement in ethical standards and regularly reviews and updates its policies to address emerging issues.
  • 12. Reporting Violations:
  • Individuals who suspect ethical violations or publication malpractice are encouraged to report their concerns to the editorial office.
  • By submitting to or participating in RJHSS, authors, reviewers agree to abide by this publication ethics statement. RJHSS is committed to fostering a responsible and ethical research culture and appreciates the cooperation of all contributors in maintaining the highest standards of integrity.
  • Plagiarism Policy :

    Plagiarism, in any form, is strictly prohibited. Manuscripts undergo rigorous plagiarism checks, and instances of plagiarism will lead to rejection or retraction. At the RJHSS, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity and ethical conduct. Plagiarism, in any form, is considered a serious violation of these principles. The following outlines our plagiarism policy:

    1. Definition of Plagiarism:
    Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else's work, ideas, or intellectual property as one's own without giving proper credit. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Copying and pasting text from sources without citation.
  • Paraphrasing without proper attribution.
  • Using images, figures, or data without permission or proper acknowledgment.
  • Submitting someone else's work as your own.
  • 2. Plagiarism Detection:
  • All submitted manuscripts undergo a plagiarism check using advanced plagiarism detection software.
  • Similarity reports are carefully reviewed by the editorial team.
  • 3. Author Responsibility:
  • Authors are responsible for ensuring the originality of their work.
  • Properly cite and reference all sources used in the manuscript.
  • Provide appropriate attribution for ideas, concepts, and data that are not their own.
  • 4. Editorial Actions:
  • Manuscripts with evidence of plagiarism will be rejected.
  • If plagiarism is detected after publication, the article may be retracted, and the author(s) may face further consequences.
  • 5. Self-Plagiarism:
  • Authors should avoid self-plagiarism by properly referencing their own previous work.
  • Clearly indicate any overlap between submitted or published manuscripts.
  • 6. Collaboration and Attribution:
  • Collaborative work should be appropriately acknowledged, and all contributors must be listed as authors or acknowledged in the manuscript.
  • 7. Consequences of Plagiarism:
  • Authors found to have committed plagiarism may face immediate rejection of their submission.
  • For published articles, retractions may be issued, and the author(s) may be banned from submitting to RJHSS in the future.
  • 8. Reporting Plagiarism:
  • Readers, reviewers, and other stakeholders are encouraged to report suspected cases of plagiarism to the editorial office.
  • 9. Plagiarism Prevention Tips:
  • Use citation styles consistently and correctly.
  • Clearly distinguish between your original work and cited material.
  • When in doubt, cite the source.
  • 10. Continuous Improvement:
  • RJHSS is committed to continuously improving its plagiarism detection methods and staying abreast of developments in plagiarism prevention.
  • Authors submitting to RJHSS implicitly agree to abide by this plagiarism policy. We appreciate your commitment to maintaining the highest ethical standards in scholarly publishing.
  • Certificate Sample


    From time to time, an author may wish to withdraw a manuscript after submitting it.

    The submitting author at the time of submission accepts that he/she should pay the article processing charges. Once Editorial Board accepted an article for publication, article processing charges become due on the author. Changing one’s mind is an author’s prerogative. And an author is free to withdraw an article at no charge – as long as it is withdrawn within 7 days of its initial submission.

    Journal performs all the process promptly and on time for which it has to pay the cost too and bear the expenses like payment to full-time reviewers and fellows. Refunds for service which have been delivered is not possible due to the nature of the service purchase.

  • ☛ The refund is full & you will get your money back if the paper does not reach the reviewing stage.
  • ☛ The refund is full & you will get your money back if the paper is not accepted.
  • ☛ There are no refunds or cancellation of debts if the author withdraws his or her paper from consideration; or if he or she declines to revise and resubmit.
  • ☛ There are no refunds or cancellation of debts, once the paper is published.
  • ☛ There are no refunds or cancellation of debts if the paper is removed due to Copyright Infringement Claims.
  • ☛ Refund will proceed through the online mode in 20-30 working days.
  • ☛ Wrongly deposit money or extra deposit money will be returned back within 03 weeks if respective author informs us within 02 days after the date of money deposit.
  • ☛ There are refunds or cancellation of debts strictly as per the following policy if the author withdraws his or her paper from consideration; or if he or she declines to revise and resubmit manuscript after two working days.

  • After completing final submission or after the publication, if an author wants to cancel the publication, fee once deposited will not be refunded as according to Terms and Conditions which author has accepted during author declaration form of the respective Publications. Already author has taken sufficient time to consider either to publish with us or not.

    Contact information

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    Director Contact : (Contact for any Technical issue)
    WhatsApp : +916003885275 / +919101511909

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